As Winter Rolls Around, Are You Increasingly Depressed?

Posted on: 20 February 2019

Are you suffering from depression, losing interest in everyday tasks and feeling that you have no hope? If this is something that has been affecting you for a while and seems to be much worse in the wintertime, then you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD. What is this, and how can you take steps to counter its effects?

Risk of Deficiency

This type of disorder is generally associated with a lack of vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin. Certainly, Australia has its fair share of bright and sunny days, but when winter rolls around, those days can be much shorter and can often be overcast. If you spend a lot of your time indoors, then this may also be a factor, and you may find that you have a deficiency of this crucial vitamin in your system.

Doctors believe that the lower your level of vitamin D, the higher your risk of depression. You may also be at risk for other illnesses such as osteoporosis, diabetes and even cancer, so you do need to take steps to counter the situation as soon as possible.

Questions to Ask

Do you find that your depression often gets worse during the autumn and winter months and seems to abate in the summer? Do you find that your mood is relatively low at all times and you are quite irritable? Many people who are affected by this disorder feel a distinct lack of energy and sleep far longer than they ordinarily would. They may also crave comfort foods and gain weight, which makes the situation even more depressing.

What to Do

Some people may benefit by altering their lifestyle habits and making sure that they get regular exercise, outdoors if possible. It may be a good idea to take some herbal remedies and over-the-counter supplements, but also try your best to eat more fortified foods, red meats and oily fish as well.

Taking Steps

Still, some people cannot break out of this funk, no matter what they do. If you've already been told that you need to change your lifestyle, this may be the last thing that you want to hear. In this case, you may need to talk to an expert to help you narrow down the cause and bring you relief as soon as possible. Get in touch with a counselling service that specialises in seasonal depression for further advice.


Counseling for Kids and Teens: A Basic Guide

Hi, my name is Emily. As a child, I suffered from un-diagnosed depression and anxiety, and because of that experience, I have a special place in my heart for children who are going through similar struggles. I also have first hand experience dealing with kids in that situation as my son has anxiety. In this blog, I am going to share everything I have learned over the years through my personal relationship with anxiety and helping others through it. In particular, I am going to help you learn how to spot a good therapist for your kid or teen, and help you understand when you should ask for help. I am glad you found my blog and hope it helps you and your children.

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